
Seattle, WA 98107
+1 206-310-1203


Organizational Development and Training Consultant and Coach and Lifelong Community Organizer with over 25 years experience with diverse clients and settings. Mediator, public speaker and group facilitator. Director of Conversations for Let’s Talk America. Founder of Global Citizen Journey. Author of Everyday Speaking for All Occasions.

Work Experience

2008-2016 SENIOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT, Swedish-Providence Health Care Systems

Consult, team building, strategic planning, employee engagement, business coaching.  Designed and developed hospital-wide program for leadership development:  STEP-Up, a six day, transformative cohort based training program.

2004-2006 DIRECTOR OF CONVERSATIONS, Let’s Talk America, national project

Serve on the leadership team. Develop and implement outreach strategies to build bridges across the partisan divide, with partnerships across multiple sectors, such as universities, churches, community and mediation centers. Provide training, outreach and support to hosts across the country, including national conference calls and phone training. Develop materials for the website, including resources for hosts. Develop curriculum and processes to help bridge the divide.


Conduct organizational and personal needs assessments, strategic planning and transition management. Facilitate meetings and retreats; provide team building and team development interventions. Develop curriculum, design materials and deliver customized workshops on communication and self management skills, including conflict resolution, dealing with difficult people, customer service, negotiating, stress/time management, change management as well as improving spoken English for non-native speakers. Consult and coach in these areas. Provide individual coaching and therapy for improvement of the speaking voice and public speaking skills. Offer train the trainer sessions. Keynote speeches. Also conduct workplace harassment prevention training with attorney associate. Market and negotiate contracts.

1983-84 COMMUNICATION DISORDERS SPECIALIST, Shoreline Public Schools, Seattle.

Evaluation, placement and therapy with varied caseload, predominantly preschoolers and elementary age. Liaison with community agencies. Parent counseling. Develop IEP’s.

1982-83 SPEECH PATHOLOGY CONSULTANT, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle.

Evaluations and therapy with varied caseload, from infants to geriatrics as well as Spanish speaking clients. Liaison with community agencies. Parent counseling.

1979-81 CLINIC DIRECTOR, Professional Speech & Counseling Services, San Diego.

Supervise professional and office staff, including recruitment, team building, meeting facilitation and training. Oversee services for Head Start and private schools, including administration, supervision and some direct services. Regulatory compliance. Program and organizational development and marketing. Office and budget management. Training for health professionals and the public.

1978-79 CO-DIRECTOR OF GRANT PROJECT, University of Arizona, Tucson.

Co-author and coordinator of NIH grant to develop bilingual language screening test for Mexican-Americans. Supervise, recruit and train staff. Oversee subject recruitment and liaison with schools. Budget and office management. Public relations. Quarterly report. Coordinate data collection and oversee compliance for test reliability. Develop test manual.

1976-78 SPEECH/LANGUAGE SPECIALIST, Tucson School District #1.

Assessment, placement and therapy. Supervise aides. In-service training for staff and parents. Liaison with community agencies.


Taught English to French business people.

1969-70 TEACHER, John Swett School District, Rodeo, California.

Teacher of 7th and 8th grade Spanish and History.

Special Skills

  • Consulting, training, coaching, facilitating and mediating
  • Multilingual, with fluency in Spanish and French, some German
  • Certified mediator
  • Seasoned community activist, citizen diplomat and coalition builder
  • Certified speech-language therapist, M.A.-CCC and teacher, secondary level
  • Author of Everyday Speaking for All Occasions, c. 1998, Doubleday Direct
  • Designer and facilitator of large group meetings and current OD practices, including Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, Dialogue, Spiral Dynamics, Participatory Strategic Planning, Future Search, applied chaos theory


Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
M.A. Communication Science and Disorders

University of California, Berkeley
Standard Teaching Credential Secondary level
B.A. History, Political Science, Spanish

Continuing Education

  • The Work That Reconnects (Joanna Macy): six day training in this pioneering form of group work based on systems theory, spiritual teachings, and deep ecology. The healing practices demonstrate and cultivate our interconnectedness in the web of life and our authority to take action on its behalf to help the shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization (2003)
  • Spiral Dynamics: a three-day session for OD professionals geared to applying this bio-psycho-social framework to organizational transformation. Based on the work on Dr Clare W. Graves in emergent deep value systems, Spiral Dynamics is a meta model that helps identify the principles o how people change, organza, develop consciousness, make choices, create strategies and communication. (2000 and 2001)
  • Compassionate Listening: five day training to become a certified trainer plus four quarterly retreats for intensive practice. Compassionate Listening uses skills of deep listening to foster peacefulness, courage, reconciliation and deep healing in both the listener and those listened to. This powerful tool is based on a simple yet profound formula for the resolution of conflict: adversaries giving the gift of listening so we understand the suffering of both sides, connect with the human being behind the stereotype, and re-humanize ‘the other.’ (2000-ongoing)
  • Theatre of the Oppressed – Facilitator’s Training: Six-day training to learn the technique and application of Augusto Boal’s, Theatre of the Oppressed, which utilized interactive theatre and social forums to explore social issues and empower the spect-actors. (Summer, 2002)
  • Appreciative Inquiry: Theory, Practice and the Emerging Paradigm: a four-day intensive workshop teaching an Appreciative Inquiry framework, based on the meta-theory of social constructionism, and how to apply it to a variety of OD interventions such as Strategic Planning, Restructuring, Team Building, Evaluation and Diversity. (October, 1999)
  • Axelrod Conference Model: Comprehensive workshop in the Conference Model, which engages large numbers of people in system wide change through a series of conferences and ‘walkthrus.’ Used for redesigning processes, creating organizational futures, integrating units, creating self directed work teams, strategic planning, and transition management. (October, 1999)
  • Lessons from Jurassic Park: a four-day intensive workshop in organizational transformation for change agents to help design organizations that thrive in far-from-equilibrium conditions. Led by Dr. Laurie A Fitzgerald, a trailblazer in the emerging field of whole system design, chaos theory and transformation. (June, 2000)
  • Participatory Strategic Planning: Teaches the Technology of Participation developed by the ICA (Institute of Cultural Affairs), which included intensive training and practice in design and facilitation, from vision, contractions, strategic directions through implementation, utilizing the workshop method, dialogue, and building consensus (January, 1999).
  • The Power of Dialogue: Constructive Conversation on Divisive Issues. Three day intensive training led by The Public Conversations Project aimed to move conflict in the public sphere away from polarized, stereotyping debate to transformative listening. Teaches application of dialogue facilitation and family systems therapy to public issues suffering chronic polarization. (June, 1998)
  • Large Group Interventions for Organizational Change: a three-day intensive workshop for consultants to develop and extend their repertoire of skills for getting the whole system in the room. Included history and nature of large group dynamics, a review of over ten methods for visioning, strategic planning, work design, discussion and decision-making, plus participation in designing and leading an intervention. Led by Barbara Bunker and Billie Alban. (May 1998)
  • Open Space Technology Facilitation Workshop: Five day intensive training and practice with leading a large group, self-organizing real time strategic planning technique which enables groups of all sizes to deal with complex issues in a very short period of time. Led by Harrison Owen, the originator of Open Space Technology. (April 1998, Summer 2001).
  • Non-Violent Communication: Training in communication skills developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg to transform conflict and communication in the workplace, community and at home. (November, 1998, plus on going practice sessions January-March, 1999)
  • Creating a Culture of Non Violence: Weeklong Schumacher College course to explore spirituality and sustainability in a global economy. Introduced concepts of Earth Democracy and interdependency of all living systems and being. Taught by Vandana Shiva, physicist, ecologist, activist, and Satish Kumar, editor of Resurgence, whose teachings offered strategies and tools to integrate soil, soul, and society. (Summer 2002)
  • State of the Possible Retreat: Invitational gatherings of diverse leaders from across the United States and Internationally, sponsored by The Positive Futures Network and YES! Magazine. Exploration of leadership, social change, peacemaking, deepening democracy, and what it means to be an American. (Fall 2002, Spring 2003, and ongoing)
  • National Coalition Building Institute: Three day training plus basic one day in “Prejudice Reduction Workshops” and “Controversial Issues Process” to help individuals and groups reframe heated emotional/political debates. (Spring 2001)


  • ASUW Experimental College Honored Instructor
  • Official Commendation for Excellence, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Training & Development Program
  • Intern Scholarship, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
  • Rearwin Fellow, Northwestern University
  • B.A. awarded with honors in history, University of California

Professional Activities

  • Member of: Organization Development Network, American Society for Training and Development, Association for Quality and Participation, National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
  • Advisory Board, The Radical Middle Newsletter
  • Certification as mediator
  • Advisory Council, National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
  • State Certified Woman Owned Business
  • Certified Associate with Drake, Beam, Morin, Inc.
  • Initiator and coordinator of project to match facilitators and organizational development consultants from ASTD, ODN and AQP with Seattle public schools to provide pro bono consultation
  • Co-Chair, 1980 ASHA Director’s Conference
  • Founded Southern Arizona Speech and Hearing Association
  • ASHA Health Systems Agency Network Representative (1980-81)


Everyday Speaking for All Occasions: How to Express Yourself with Confidence and Ease.: Published in 1998 by Doubleday Direct, Guild America Books.

Community Service

  • Founder, Global Citizen Journey, 2003-ongoing, with first Journey planned for Nigeria, November of 2005, Burundi in summer of 2007
  • Co-Founder, The People Web, newly forming grassroots coalition of organizations and individuals in conjunction with Co Opportunities Northwest, Neighbor Nets and Cultural Creatives
  • Co-Chair of Seattle Local Peoples Assembly of the Global Peoples Assembly, 2000-present
  • Co-Creator of Conversation Cafes, a Seattle based initiative in conjunction with New Road Map Foundation. Continue to serve as coach, mentor, steward and trainer in the process.
  • Delegate and Speaker, CIVICUS World Citizen Summit, 2001
  • Co-Chair of Earth Charter Citizen Summit, 2001, 2002, Seattle
  • Advisory Board, Middle East Citizen Diplomacy and Compassionate Listening Project, 2000-present; Delegate, Citizen Diplomat to the Middle East, 1992; Director of Global Citizen Journey-Mideast
  • Certified Trainer for The Compassionate Listening Project, 2004-present
  • Education Committee Member, MAVIA, 1998-present
  • Trainer in Nonviolence in preparation for WTO Seattle, 1999
  • President and Board member of Earthstewards Network, 1997-9
  • Founder & Chair, Coalition for Firearm Safety, and Mother’s Day Rally for Safe Communities 1998-2001
  • Board Member, African American – Jewish Coalition, 1997-2000
  • Advisory Committee, Peace Trees Vietnam, 1996-2000; Citizen Diplomat delegate, 1998
  • Co-Facilitator, America Speaks (sponsored by Pell Foundation), 1999; Northwest Women’s International Conference, 1995
  • President of Kadima Community School, 1993-95, Board member 1992-96
  • Co-founder and Director of Families for Peace, 1983-1990; Spokesperson. Frequently interviewed on radio and for newspapers.
  • Delegate and organizer on the Citizen’s Train, a grass roots lobby trip to Washington DC. Spokesperson and lobbyist. Chair of the women’s and children’s issues task force, 1988
  • Board member, Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1989-91
  • Co-chair and founder of the Olympia Citizen’s Train, 1989. Focus on funding for health care, women’s and children’s issues
  • Central American Committee, representative of University Friends Meeting to Church Council citywide committee, 1985-87
  • Past/present member of: 911 Peace Coalition, Pursue the Peace, SANE, WILPF, SWAP, Hiroshima Day Task Force, Washington Ceasefire, MAVIA, Millions of Moms, National Organization of Women, Women’s Business Exchange, Women Business Owners, Fellowship Of Reconciliation, Earthstewards, Children’s Alliance, PTSA (Legislative Representative, 1991)
  • Facilitation & Consulting to Non Profit and Grassroots Organizations
  • American Friends Service Committee, Pacific Northwest Region: Currently working to design a regional needs assessment to streamline services, reach out to underserved constituents, and synergize use of staff and resources while building community and relationships
  • Simplicity Forum: Facilitated a 2.5 day strategic planning and movement building retreat for leaders in the simplicity field from around the world.
  • Structures for Change: Co- designed and facilitated a two day national conference of over 100 organizers and social transformation leaders from Canada and the USA
  • Board of Directors, Congregation Eitz Or: Facilitated a group mediation over a highly charged conflict with two members. Successfully helped the group resolve their issues and plan productive outcomes.
  • Board of Directors, Seattle Youth Garden: Designed and facilitated their annual retreat to create their mission and vision statements and do strategic planning.
  • Fremont Public Association: Worked closely with their cabinet; providing coaching; designed and facilitated a retreat to clarify the role and purpose of the Cabinet. Continue working with a number of their programs in organizational development and communication.
  • Washington State Arts Commision: Facilitated the Olympia session, open to the public as well as Commissioners as part of the strategic planning process. Utilized Open Space Technology to maximize participation and voicing of all relevant issues.
  • Regional Peoples Assembly of the Global Peoples Assembly: designed and facilitated this three-day regional conference in San Francisco for 100 participants meeting.
  • “Sharing a Holiday for Peace,” multi-media community educational event co-sponsored by Seattle Center, 1990, 1989, 1988. Facilitated open mike dialogue with the public audience, which varied from 30 to 300, Successfully diffused conflicts and promoted positive dialogue around the charged issue of war toys and violence in children’s entertainment. Public relations and outreach.
  • 2001 SAVE Summit Meeting: Designed and facilitated a regional Open Space session on creating safety and reducing gun violence for MAVIA’s annual regional conference for youth, parents and community members
  • “Mother’s Day Rally for Safe Communities” Moderator, 1998-1999 (audiences averaged 125), Speaker at Millions Mom’s March, 2000 (audience over 4,000). Public relations and outreach. Successfully handled hecklers.
  • Martin Luther King Day Breakfast: Designed and facilitated public session annually, 1996-2000, with audiences averaging 100. Meetings included discussion, brainstorming, planning and relationship building. Promoted successful outcomes of building alliances between Jewish and African American participants; identified priorities and strategies to overcome obstacles.